Nicki & Sandi often like to visit the computer. (They seem most drawn to it when someone is working on it with great concentration) They seem to be attracted to it much the same way some cats love pianos. There are keys and that seems to be an invitation for walking upon aimlessly, creating mysterious and poetic sentences like :
asdanm,cvoier8towhnqhbsh gbyvitg9p;438j90c3-0ejwomxcdniu.
Then there is the "stand still , for as long as your paws can stand it" on a single key , resulting in the more simplistic: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Recently, there seems to be a new attempt at computer fun going on here: this image of Nicki appeared on photo booth. It is a close-up and as I did not take it, it looks like Nicki is dabbling in the age old art of self portraiture. Not bad for a first try at photography. I have a feeling it is currently beyond both cats to figure out how to post things on "you tube" & flicker but this does prove that they are a force to be reckoned with.