Friday, April 16, 2010

Adoptathon May 2-2,2010

Nicki & Sandi got quite the scare yesterday evening when they heard we had stopped by the animal shelter (on the way home from the doctor -just making sure my wrist was not broken-a long story...) . They heard a story about a very small dog named Maize and a kitten with no name and no brothers or sisters -both in need of a home. While the dog is out of the question as our apartment building does not allow dogs...the cat is another matter. (Ely is convinced we could dress up this small dog to look like a cat and as it is an older "Mill Rescue" this dog is quite amazing in the it does not bark at all so barking would not be a problem-until Sandi attacks him for invading her territory and eating her food...)
The real reason we stopped by the shelter was to see what was going on as Ely's friends are interested in adopting a dog. And there are many to choose from right now. We also found out the yearly adoptathon is going to be held on May 1-2, 2010 . I went last year with my uncle, aunt & cousin and that is where they found their beloved Maggie. It sounds as if pre-registration might be an ideal thing to do now if you are planning on adopting during this marathon weekend as things were very hectic last year and doing the paperwork & calling the references can take some time . We also heard -consider this a rumor as we could not confirm it-that pre-registration means you will get a $10. credit towards adopting. If you do go in to pre-register this weekend , please stop by and say "hello" to the small black kitten, the pudgy Chihuahua named Maize and the black dog to her right and tell all 3 we would have taken them home but for Sandi and our building 's tough pet rules.
(About above photo : side profile of Maggie/2 of my current favorite postage stampsand our latest favorite postcard picked up in a Barnes & Noble bookstore during the famous Cape Cod -50th birthday weekend)

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Where's Sandi?

Sandi LOVES it when I change the sheets. She is somehow able to sense when I am about to change the bed sheets ( much as I now try to be very quiet about it) & in she bounds , leaping for the bed before I am even able to get the sheet on.
Pretty much since she was a kitten we have then gone on to play hide & go seek. (or peak-a-boo) I theatrically ask "Where's Sandi?" as she hides beneath the sheet,motionless and almost invisible. All of the sudden, Sandi skits out, happy as a clam. Best of all are the sheet ghosts she likes to charge after. (Sheet ghosts appear when you lift the sheet up, get it air borne and then allow it to gently float down. As the sheet settles Sandi attacks the remaining air pockets as if they contained mice or fluttering birds. ) This routine never gets old for Sandi and she would go on for hours -if only I would play along for that long.
Needless to say, Sandi has forever changed the way I will think about sheets.
P.S. Just a word of caution: if you are thinking of trying this with your cat-beware of one thing: make sure to cut your cat's nails before you do this . We were once playing with a very nice set of sky blue sheets when all of the sudden I heard this sound... : the sound of tearing cotton as Sandi's nails dug in just a bit too deep. And each time the sheet is washed, the tear grows just a bit. (It is a pretty sheet so I haven't yet had the heart to toss it out...)

Monday, April 12, 2010

A bored cat is a bad cat...

I once read that a bored dog is a bad dog. The theory is that animals that are bored will get in trouble out of necessity, just to have something to do. (I think that is true of people too. ) With cats I do think you have to give them new challenges , toys and activities or they do shut down socially and they even age faster.(Like people do to, both mentally and physically) Boxes are the best fun around and they are free. I am lucky in that both of my cats tend to love new things and new challenges. If you take a box and cut a hole into it VIOLA! a new toy of sorts. Things get even more interesting as each cat trys to claim the box for their own or plays hide and seek with the other...