2 new lost signs in the neighborhood this week:rain had faded one. If you have seen either "Max" -please call their owners and help them make their way home. I ran into 3 wonderfully civic minded young girls who were gathered around the cat sign with concern written all over their faces & I told them I'd be posting it on my blog in hopes of helping in some way. (not sure they knew what a blog was!) They were hanging up signs of their own-hand made mini posters about being good to trees and turning off lights when you are not using them. I told them to keep up the good work as Earth Hour 2010 was just around the corner. They had taped the signs to trees & I asked their permission to photograph the signs and post them on my blog for all to see. When I returned the next day with my camera all but one of the signs had either been removed or had blown away. Too bad. The world could use more "love trees!" & "Be nice to trees!" signs...
Update 2 on Nate and Sara
8 years ago