There is a new member in our family:meet Maxx. He is 6 years old, rescued from a shelter , loves women (and is learning to love men), and looks like a horse when he trots here and there.
Also: Inky the wonder cat's brother "Toughie" has had surgery on the lumps on his head . Happily they were just cysts . Things got briefly complicated when Toughie decided to rip out all of his stitches - risking infection. A second surgery was done to clean his wound and stitch him up again and he is healing well-with the help of a radar dish collar.
(Photos of Toughie to come)
Perhaps the best news of today came from Fred of
"One Bark At A Time": his photos of wonderful dogs can again be found online in his newest blog
"Pound Dogs" . It was such a nice surprise to see this good friend of animals had come back to life, so to speak.
On a down note, Fred's dog
Rocky is doing poorly. What a year 2010 has been.
With all that has gone on this year, personally, professionally and globally, we are chomping at the bit to get out of 2010 and into a better 2011 ASAP. The happy holidays and New Year can not come fast enough!